Cryptographic Protocols

Course code: 2DMI00
Lecturer: Berry Schoenmakers, MF 5.070, (or,

Schedule 2024-25 3rd Quarter

Week 1February 11. Preface, Sections 1.1, 1.2.1-3, MPyC.
February 14. Sections 1.2.4, 1.3.1-2.
Week 2February 18. Section 1.3.3, Appendix A "Fundamental Lemma of Cryptology".
February 21.
Week 3February 25.
February 28.
Week 4March 11.
March 14.
Week 5March 18.
March 21.
Week 6March 25.
March 28.
Week 7April 1.
April 4.

Written exam: Wednesday April 16, 2025, 13.30-16.30h; resit: Wednesday July 2, 2025, 18.00-21.00h.

Lecture notes

Version 1.10 of the Lecture Notes Cryptographic Protocols (incl. solutions to all exercises) is available as of February 7, 2025. Please print out a copy for yourself.
Also see the matching Lecture Slides Cryptographic Protocols. (Handout version of slides without animations).
All exams since 2004 are available as well. Solutions to the exam problems will not be provided; also see Appendix B "Rating of Exercises" to find out which exercises are at exam level.

Further reading

The following books are recommended as background and advanced resources:

Last year's course page.